Posted in my book excerpts

meghparir gaan song of clouds poem 8

poem 8 english

poem 8 IMG_0013

This is my second bilingual book, a collection of 40 Bengali poems and their English essence captured in 40 English poems, now, from now on I will be trying this style, that is, no more paperbacks, black and white books, I will create my future books on Kindle comic creator mainly. Only ebooks in full colour and I will keep the price fixed too 1.99$ the minimum of Kindle Select, if I cross 50 poems in a book that is 50+50 then of course I will raise the price! 😉

What do you think of this style?

Meghparir Gaan song of clouds
By Sharmishtha Basu


Just another human being who loves to write, paint and learn all types of things she can. Lives in Kolkata as on 2022 April, been living here since 2005, excluding one amazing year she passed in Hyderabad in 2015. Check out the sidebars for all the places where you can join her or get her works from. You can contact her through her blogs (main blog), amazon page or emails &

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